Linnaeus' portrait Johan Emanuel Wikström
Linnean herbarium (S-LINN)

Department of Phanerogamic Botany
Swedish Museum of Natural History (S)


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Linnean herbarium
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Historical Botanical collections

Department of Phanerogamic Botany

Swedish Museum of Natural History

Johan Emanuel Wikström: born 1789 in Vänersborg, student in Uppsala 1806, exam of the circuit court of appeal and MD in Uppsala 1817, curator at the Department of Botany at the Swedish Museum of Natural History and teacher at Bergian school of gardening from 1818 (successor of professor O. Swartz ) and teacher of natural-history at the upper-school in Stockholm 1821-1842, professor 1823, dead 1856 in Stockholm.

Examples of Johan Emanuel Wikström's handwriting;

Wikström's handwriting
Wikström's handwriting
Wikström's handwriting

More examples of Wikström's handwriting:

  • Salsola polyclonos
  • Reference:
    Th. O. B. N. Krok, 1925: Bibliotheca Botanica Suecana, Uppsala & Stockholm
    Latest update: 24 february 1999
    Comments on this page: Arne Anderberg
    Comments on the Swedish Museum of Natural History website