Linnaeus' portrait Lars Jonasson Montin
Linnean herbarium (S-LINN)

Department of Phanerogamic Botany
Swedish Museum of Natural History (S)

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Linnean herbarium
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Historical Botanical collections

Department of Phanerogamic Botany

Swedish Museum of Natural History

Lars Jonasson Montin: born 1723 on Hisingen in Gothenburg, Sweden, student in Lund 1743 and in Uppsala 1745, MD in Lund 1751, county medical officer in Halland 1756, assessor 1782, dead 1785 in Halmstad.

Examples of Montins's handwriting:

Montin's handwriting
Montin's handwriting

Th. O. B. N. Krok, 1925: Bibliotheca Botanica Suecana, Uppsala & Stockholm
Latest update: 7 january 1997
Comments on this page: Arne Anderberg
Comments on the Swedish Museum of Natural History website